Same Day Appointments / Urgent Care

We are committed to providing 24 hours and 7 days a week access to medical advice and care. When the office is closed, simply call the main number (607) 602.2083 to be directed to the on-call service.
It is always best to call in the morning for improved access to appointments. We encourage you to call us first before heading to the emergency department or urgent care center. Many times we can provide you with the most appropriate care based in your WellBeing medical home. If we are unable to do so, we can assist you in determining the best place for you to receive care and can communicate key health issues to other physicians as well as provide care coordination and follow-up.
If you are awake with an ill child in the middle of the night on a weekday and want an appointment for the following day (but don't find it necessary to speak with us urgently), simply leave a message with the on-call service or text the office and the staff will return your call when they arrive in the office and give you early access to all available appointments.
Please call the office directly to schedule:
Same-day sick visits
24-hour pediatrician on-call services